Tuba Jaialdia: the great experience

10 de March del 2014

The last weekend the 5thTuba Jaialdia (Tuba’s day) took place in Azpeitia. It was a pleasure for me totake part in this event where I enjoyed a lot, not only because of the tube,but they gave me a warm welcome.

Acts began on friday the 26th with arecital of tuba and piano that was held in the great concert hall called Soreaus. We played several representative music worksfor tuba and euphoiums. The musicians were: The tuba players, Andoni Muñiz,Adrian Alfaro, Atsuraro Mizunaka and me, and Eduardo Diz played the euphonium.All of us were accompanied by the piano player Ana Garcia.

The Tuba´s Day was held on saturday,and we enjoyed it doing several schedule activities:
  • Warm-up byJoaquín Diáz, Euphonium of wind Band of Vitoria.
  • A Lecturetaught by myself : “Techniques for effective breathing in the music”.
  • Rehearsalof Tuba Ensemble by the conductor Juan Carlos Ribelles.
We were more than fifty tuba andeuphonium players who came from Azpeitia, Azkoitia, Zestoa, Urretxu, Bergara,Donostia, Ordiczia, Santo Domingo de la Calzada, Gasteiz e Iparralde. It shouldbe pointed out that several profesional tubas and euphonium came to take partin this event. They were Luis Gimeno, tuba teacher in Musikene, Oscar Abella,principal tuba in OSE, Izaslun Ocon and Joxan Malvido, tuba teachers, JoaquínDíaz, euphium in Vitoria Wind Band, David Abellan euphonium in Bilbao WindBand, Paco Yañez, tuba in Bilbao Wind Band, and Joaquín cortina Tuba freelance.

During these days, all of us took part in a social media experiment. It had consisted in using the hagstag#tubajaialdia on twitter. We tweeted all the activities and we shared photos, comments and reflexions. After that, we used the online tool Tweetbinder to check the result: 77 tweets with 25.000 impacts. It means that more 25.000 people who used twitter that day could see the information about the activities in Tuba Jailadia.

This amazing work was possible thanks to Agustin Jimenez, a hard-worker man and passionate of the tuba who wants to spread this instrument in Basc Country. He and his staff organized this amazing Tuba Jaialdia. Special thanks to Juan Carlos Ribelles, Oscar Abella, Izaskun Ocon and other people who did possible this event.

To finish the day, the big tuba ensemble performed a concert in the Azpeitia downtown, where we could show to theaudience what the tuba and euphonium can do. In the following video you can see the work. Enjoy it!!!

Tuba and Euphonium